frequently asked questions

frequently asked questions

let’s get it out of the way first. how much do your social media marketing services cost?

how much does social media marketing cost? how much do you charge for social media consulting? how much to spend on social media marketing for small business? these are probably the most googled questions in our industry, but the answer isn’t a simple number. it depends on a lot of factors, like how much work you want us to do, the type of work it is, etc. the best way to get a solid idea of what you’re going to pay is to get in touch with us to discuss your wants and needs!

is it worth it to invest in social media marketing?

regardless of the industry or target clientele, social media is great for increasing brand awareness and building a community of prospects, and it helps your search result visibility. conversation is one of the best ways to make an audience feel like a part of your brand, which drives loyalty and purchases; social media is a fantastic tool to start, join, and facilitate those conversations. finally, audience targeting is a great reason to invest in social. boosted/promoted posts and display advertising are great ways to launch a retargeting or brand awareness campaign.

why should i outsource social media management?

outsourcing social media management is an effective and efficient way of growing your online presence if you simply don’t have the time to do it yourself or you are unsure where to start. having your social media managed externally gives you more time to engage with customers face-to-face and build stronger relationships in person that will translate onto the online world.

can i still post to my social media accounts?

definitely! we are here to help with strategy and consistency, all while keeping an eye on data-driven efficacy, brand standards, and technical best practices. but we can’t do this (well) alone. we work with you in a partnership capacity. that can mean we provide you with assets to help us maximize your content, collaborate with you on important topics for your customers, or share the strategy with you so you can keep an in-house posting role as you so choose.

how do I know if social media is “working”?

there are a lot of ways to measure what works for your brand on social media. in our initial consultation, we talk with you about your specific goals and look at the foundation – where your company is starting – and set targets for growth.

here are a few common ways people look for growth online:

  • impressions – are you growing the number of people who see your brand on social?
  • engagement – are people joining the conversation and sharing your posts?
  • mentions – how often are people talking about your brand?
  • social referral traffic – how many people click through to your website?
  • followers – how many people are in your immediate social networks?

won’t being active online just increase negative feedback and reviews?

it might. but with 93% of americans online (239 million on facebook, 120 million on instagram, and 238 million on twitter, just to name a few), your brand needs to be present. the conversation is happening with or without you. never fear – we are here to guide you with the occasional negative feedback and demonstrate how your brand can navigate tricky engagements.

what does your social media consultancy process look like?

we’ll start with questions – a lot of them! we then look at the data. using our expert team and range of social media services, we’ll map out the social media strategy, use trend spotting to gather social media insights, create the first rounds of social content, provide creative social media engagement, and jumpstart your company’s place online. this looks a little different for everyone, but expect 1-3 meetings in the first month as we launch and then monthly meetings scheduled thereafter to monitor progress and collaborate. and, we are always here on demand as you need us.

do you have additional questions?

we're happy to chat with you about how we can best help you grow online through digital marketing, social media management, and marketing partnerships.