a strategic digital marketing partnership doesn’t have to be scary. in fact, the goal of having a good marketing partner is to relieve you from many tasks you may find overwhelming, mundane, or too far outside of your comfort zone. or, maybe you just don’t have the time (after all, you do have a business to run!). in any case, a good strategic partner will make sure you are putting your best foot forward online & ensure you are constantly evaluating performance and making any necessary adjustments.
do either of these sound familiar?
i don’t know how to work with a partner
no worries. start with the relationship. invest the time upfront to discuss expectations, concerns, goals, and dreams. listen to what the potential partner has to say and then see how that fits into your business.
but i’ve been burned before…
unfortunately, this is a common sentiment. take the time to get to know the person who will actually be working with you & ask for their past performance and talk to people who have worked with them. the length and depth of client relationships will shed a lot of light on how the person performs as a partner. not all marketers are cut out for the partner gig.
we’re always up for a conversation
whether or not we strike a partnership, you’ll walk away from our chat with actionable items!
In the digital age, where attention spans are short and competition is fierce, businesses must find innovative ways to capture…
Custom menu section
This is off canvas menu widget area. To enable it add some widgets into Appearance – Widgets – Menu Section, and go to Customizer – Main menu to set the icon position.