Social Media 101: 5 Tips for Success

By amie
Social Media 101 5 Tips For Success

The keys to success on social media are quality, consistency, and authenticity. If keeping up with social media platform management seems like another full-time job to you, that’s because it is! When you are busy running your business, we know that sometimes social media management tends to fall to the wayside, even though you know it should be a top priority.

If you want to see success on social media, I recommend following these 5 steps, which can save you time and energy, help you stick to your digital marketing strategy, and delight your audience with a quality, authentic social media presence.

Create, Schedule & Automate Your Content

Taking one designated time to create content is much easier than trying to find the time to do so every single day. Set aside 20 – 30 minutes a week to create and schedule social content for the following week, so you’re always a week ahead and the content is still timely and relevant.

Content schedulers are a social media manager’s best friend. With content schedulers, you write or paste in the content you want to be published (along with appropriate photos, videos, or links), pick the date and time you want it to be published, and voila! You can schedule ahead as far as you’d like.

Repurpose Your Content

Work smarter, not harder. If you have a bank of evergreen content, use it! Turn your old content into new content by repurposing it into blogs, a series of social posts, stand-alone campaigns, videos, and infographics. While we appreciate your ambition, recreating the wheel isn’t necessary for each post. Repurposed content gives your material a longer shelf life and creates less work for you.

Curate Your Content

While It’s important to relate to and solve problems for your audience, social selling is a science that can’t be done with one sole message. Part of enforcing the credibility in your message is to find reputable sources that speak on similar topics. Curating content from other reputable sources not only breaks up the monotony on your page but also reinforces the message you are delivering.

Become a Social Listener

Part of social success for your brand is being involved in the conversation that’s happening about you online. Monitoring your feeds, replying to messages, and actively responding to your audience’s inquiries builds stronger relationships and customer loyalty. In embracing social listening, you’ll discover what your audience wants from you as a company.

Analyze the Numbers

Social platforms have built-in analytics that give you details on your content’s performance, audience, and more. Some platforms have more detailed analytics than others, but regardless, you can still gauge content performance from what these analytics tell you. Use those analytics to plan your future content. They will tell you what’s working and what’s not, who your audience is, and when they are most likely to be online to see your content.